The Plan - Big World, Little Me

Travelling around the world is always something that is on everyone's list of things to do, someday, maybe and after living and working in Brussels for five years now (four for Cam) we decided to make that someday today.


Yes, we won't be able to buy a house for ages to come, yes it is putting a stop in our careers but if not now when?


And, to make it even more appealing the Belgian government offer a time credit payment each month while we are away. So, we decided to do it.


And now after almost a year of boring everyone to death with our plans we are starting our travels into the unknown (overly melodramatic I know).


We're a little bit nervous but definitely a lot more excited!

Who Are We?

Camille Dubois, 27 ans,
«Pricing Specialist» pour des voitures de très bonne qualitè

Au Royaume de Belgique, où mes valises se sont posé es il y a maintenant 4 ans, on sait apprécier les frites et le chocolat, déguster (avec modération ?) de délicieuses bières, dire une fois (on y est les 3 clichés y sont passés!) mais on sait aussi se reposer... j'envoie toute ma gratitude aux génies qui ont instauré la loi du crédit temps!

Nous avons donc l'occasion de prendre 12 mois de vacances...

Ce serait bête de ne pas en profiter...

On va donc voyager, faire le «tour du monde», voir du pays, être heureux comme Ulysse!

Mes raisons pour un tel voyage? Hormis celle de rendre tout le monde jaloux, il s'agit juste d'une opportunité incroyable : découvrir, sentir, goûter, rencontrer, observer l'herbe dans le jardin du voisin ...

Qu'est ce que je veux absolument faire? Un maximum de courses à pieds, un tour en hélico (merci les gars!), manger des saveurs inconnues, aller voir un match de Sumo ... c'est parti!

Chris Jones, 30 years old,
«Enterprise Architect» Toyota Motor Europe

Originally from the bohemian paradise of Leicester (the Paris of the UK) I ended up in Brussels after getting lost on my way to Sainsburys one Tuesday and have been there ever since. After reading my horoscope one day it said I would meet an interesting and intriguing foreign lady but unfortunately when I went out I met Camille instead and we've been together ever since. . . .

I've wanted to go on a year out for ages but after finishing university I was in the 'Oh my god,oh my god, I've got to get a job before it's too late' mentality and to be honest I was probably scared of taking the risk of just going with little/no finance and lots of student loans waiting for me when/if I got back.

So, I've finally got the courage, I've got the backpack, the beard and the sandals (unfortunately I will never get the hippy hair) so let's go . . .

Big world, little me - See you in a year!!